Saturday, June 30, 2012

Update 6/24 to 6/30

      The most recent team that we had here in El Salvador serving the Lord was from Lynnwood, Washington. Proof that you’re never too young or too old to serve the Lord, the range of the ages of the members in this group was wide, with the youngest being twelve years old. This group of missionaries came with hearts ready to serve, yet they all still knew how to have fun. Their hearts for the people they served here in El Salvador was evident, especially for the boys here in La Casa in San Martin. The churches at La Angostura, Zacatecoluca, San Martin, Apopa, and San Salvador were blessed by both their service and their love for the kids in those communities. It was such a joy and an honor being a part of this mission team for the week, and it was sad to see them leave.
     However, as many of you know, the mission trip doesn’t stop just because you leave the country. Please pray that God would continue to work in and through each individual person back in their hometown. Pray that the youth that was in this mission group would grow in Christ to be future leaders for Him. Pray that the parents of the youth that were here would continue to encourage their kids to grow in the Lord as they lead by example. Pray that the adults on the mission trip would continue to be examples of servants of the Lord to the younger generation and anyone they meet at their work or on the street. And finally, please pray that all fourteen of these missionaries that got to experience God’s moving here in El Salvador would share the same love and joy of God back home with the other members of their church.

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