Wednesday 3/7/12 – It’s Heavy – Watch Your Back
Galatians 6:5 For each one shall bear his own load.
You ever pick something up the wrong way and someone told you to “watch your back”? If the load is heavy, you can really do a lot of damage if you’re not careful. Well, how about a spiritual burden – you ever feel mentally, emotionally, or spiritually tired or weary? You ever feel like you’re carrying a heavy burden and that you’re the only one who can carry it? If so, I’ve got something you need to hear: You’ve been lied to! The devil has been deceiving you, but don’t listen to Satan because there’s One who can help. 1 Peter 5:7 says to cast “…all your care upon [God], for He cares for you.” Jesus says in Matthew 11:28-30, “Come to Me, all you who labor and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” According to Galatians 6:5 we are to bear our own load; but if that load has us bogged down, tired, condemned, or just weary, we know that God’s plan is not to burden us down but to lift us up and give us rest; and perhaps it’s time that we re-examine the load we are carrying and see if it’s not the wrong one.
A father and his seven year old son went hiking one day. They had been hiking for no more than ten minutes when the boy looked up to his father with barely any breath left in him. “I don’t think I can go any further,” he panted.
The father looked down at his young son worried. “Well, we’re not even half way there yet. If you’re tired now, how are we going to make it all the way up the mountain?” The boy frowned and shrugged his shoulders. “Well,” the father smiled lovingly, “Then I think it’s time that you let me have my backpack back and I’ll give you yours?”
The boy pulled His backpack off as it plopped to the ground with a thud. He stared at it astonished. “Dad, I’ve been carrying your backpack this whole time!” He exclaimed in surprise.
You see, too many Christians are like the boy in the story. They’re carrying around a burden that they were never intended to carry. Instead, it was intended for their Heavenly Father to carry for them. The burden itself was given to us to bring us to God the Father. Some of us carry our Father’s backpack not knowing that we are carrying a burden that only God can bear for us. Others of us know we have our Dad’s backpack on but we insist that we can make it up the mountain carrying it by ourselves. What kind of burdens are you forcing yourself to carry? Perhaps it’s time to stop carrying your own load in your own strength. The Bible says that God is our strength. When we are weary with our load, it’s time to bring it to God as we kneel before Him in prayer. Yes, Galatians 6:5 says we all must bear our own load, but it doesn’t say we must bear it alone. So I’ll say it one more time in case you missed it: If you find that your own load is just too heavy for you to lift, you need to watch your back and go before God as you learn to bend with your knees instead.
Any load that I feel I have taken upon myself today that is too much for me to bear, I will go before God in prayer and ask Him to carry the load for me as I just concentrate on seeking and obeying Him.
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