Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Update 7-18 to 7-25

     We just had a group from Vero Beach, Florida return back home after serving here with us for a week. They were the biggest group we had so far (30 people),and they were a lot of fun. They ran baseball clinics all week for the kids in the different communities where they ministered. They taught the kids how to catch, throw, and hit a baseball; and in addition to all that, they of course had a time to share praise songs with the kids, share a testimony, and invite the kids to ask Jesus into their heart.
     In a country where soccer is the national sport and default past time, it was hard to spike a few of the kids’ interests in a sport that wasn’t soccer. In spite of the challenge, however, many of the kids loved the baseball clinic, and I would have to say that their baseball program was a homerun! For one, in Santiago de Maria, the team held the baseball program in one of the schools and helped paint a wall for the Calvary Chapel church there in that town. While we were there, we were told the good news that the pastor of the church was going to start a baseball ministry to reach others for Christ through baseball!
     So many lives were touched this week as God worked in and through His people here in El Salvador, and so many kids enjoyed learning a little more about baseball. In fact, after we dropped off the team at the airport this morning, we had to drive back to the Central Church in San Salvador to pick up Randy’s car. On Monday, the Christian school at the Central Church was the place where the team had held one of their baseball clinics. Upon seeing Randy, Trevor, Jesse, and I get out of the van that we were driving, one of the kids at the school who knew me from my Campos Blancos I would always go to, left his group of friends and came up to me and told me that one of his friends was wondering if we were going to do baseball again today. I had to explain to David that we just dropped the team off at the airport and they were on their way back to the United States. I asked him if he had fun and he said yes; but I’m sure that he and his group of friends he was talking to were disappointed that we had just come back today to pick up the car and not to play more baseball with them. Who would have thought that baseball would have been such a big hit and such a successful ministry tool here in El Salvador! Praise God!


  1. Praise God! It's wonderful to see the Lord's hand at work, especially in young people.

    I'm praying that there will be a lasting impression of Christ's love on those you reach.

    When we show the love of Jesus to the lost and needy there is an imprint of Christ etched into their soul. It is an image I know they will not forget.

    God Bless you, Derek!

  2. Derek, thanks so much for sharing this! I am weeping with joy. My Sabrina was in that group that went with Pastor Jim and Kristie... it was so special to watch these clips form the trip, but also the music you choose was so spirit-filled. You have no idea how much this touched my heart... and to see the smiles on Kristies face in several, and watch Pastor Jim and his sons in many of the clips, so busy and about the Lords business... Awesome! Again, many many thanks for sharing this and the time you took to put it together.. What an amazing trip , huh? and happy to see to the kids liked the baseball clinics!
    Cathy B.
