Here's a funny story that you might like:
So I was helping some of the younger boys at 'La Casa' pick up trash around the orphanage property today when I thought it would be a good opportunity to teach them a little more English. So in Spanish I told them the word for trash in English was 'trash'.
"No," one of the smart-alek boys replied. "It's called 'Derek'." He went over to pick up another piece of trash as he said "Here's a 'Derek'" and threw it in the trash bag before going back to pick up more 'Dereks.'
I retorted by calling the pieces of trash by his name instead, and so with each piece of trash we threw in the bag we called it by the other person's name. The funny part was when he picked up a smaller piece of trash and exclaimed in his Spanish accent, "Un Derek Jr.!" It was hilarious! - who knew picking up trash could be so much fun!
Thanks for the laugh..