Saturday, September 3, 2022

A Wedding and a Retreat


The kitchen and dining room in the cabin
 where we stayed during the retreat
This past week has been busy at Pan de Vida. Last Saturday, we celebrated a wedding. Two of the volunteers – Kris and Lucy – got married here at Pan de Vida. On Monday, twelve of us staff went on a retreat together. (Obviously, all the staff couldn't go at the same time as some staff was still needed to take care of the kids and Pan de Vida. Later this month, there will be another retreat for the other staff that didn't get the chance to go this time.) It was a nice time where we stayed a few days in a cabin, played games together, got to go sightseeing, and had some Bible lessons focused around the theme of connecting – connecting with one another (the kids we serve as well as other staff) as well as maintaining our personal relationship and connection with God. One of the days, we hiked to a waterfall with a scenic view. Another day, we drove to Zacutlan where we met a friend of Kike's who showed us around the town. It was a tourist town known for the apples that grow there. There was a nice scenic view in one area of the town as well as some very artistic murals in another part of the town. Overall, the retreat was nice and it was nice to be able to connect with and get to know the other staff that I work with here at Pan de Vida.

Mineral Del Chico - A small town we visited on our way back
 from the retreat. The town's known for having been a place
 where they mined ore (silver I think).

Monday begins the school year here at Pan de Vida. I'll be teaching second grade and am told I will have 9 kids in my class. I'll be teaching math and Spanish (reading and writing). Many of the kids here at Pan de Vida are behind academically, and Pan de Vida has their own school on campus where the kids that live here attend instead of attending public school. Many of the kids are behind, and are grouped by grade according to their academics rather than by their age. So that means I'll have at least a few kids in my second-grade class who are older than the normal second-grade age group in the States.

A scenic view of a waterfall in Zacatlan

Besides teaching in the school, I'm continuing to help out on guardia duty once or twice a week and continue to be in the Medianos Dorm with the 10-13 year old boys. Sometimes at night for a story, I'm going through the book of Joshua in the Bible with them. I also was able to give the boys in my dorm that were interested their own Bible (they all have one for school, but this one they can keep in their dorms). The Bibles that I give them are just normal Spanish Bibles that I found really cheap online, but I am also planning on getting a few kids Bibles and comic Bibles that are more geared to different age levels of kids that might be more interesting for them and helpful to them in understanding the Bible. This way, I'm thinking each dorm at Pan de Vida could have a couple of these Bibles to lend out to the kids in the dorm that are really interested in reading them. One of the boys in the medianos dorm yesterday showed me one of the verses in Psalms that he liked and memorized it and then recited it to me. I've already been thinking of doing something with the medianos to encourage them to memorize Bible verses where I'd give them verses to memorize and they can earn points or tickets that they can use to buy little prizes. I had mentioned the idea to a couple of the boys last week and they seemed interested in it.

Overall, this coming week looks like it will be a busy one. Please keep me, the other staff, and the kids in prayer. Below are some specific prayer requests.

  • For the school year – that the kids will learn and excel, especially those that struggle or are behind academically.

  • For the teachers in the school – that we will be able to teach to the best of our ability, be an example of Jesus to the kids we teach, and will have wisdom in how to reach all the students in our class.

  • For the spiritual growth of the kids – that each boy and girl here would know Jesus in an intimate way. That the boys, especially the ones in the medianos dorm with me who showed an interest in having their own Bible, would read it and spend personal time with God.

  • That the boys would be encouraged to memorize Scripture – that, if God wills, that the idea I have about giving the boys verses to memorize where they can earn points/tickets to get things would be a good tool to get many of them to memorize verses.

Please feel free to write me (either through email or leaving a comment below) or call me if you ever want to know more details about what goes on here, etc. Or, if anyone is ever interested in knowing more about individual kids here, I can share pictures, stories, and/or prayer requests of individual kids that live here. I know on this blog, I keep things (relatively) short and general, but if you're interested in more detailed information, just let me know.



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