Saturday, April 28, 2012

Update: 4/21 - 4/27

     So we’ve officially been in El Salvador for two weeks and are continuing to make friends; learn Spanish; and of course, serve God. Jesse, Shaquanah, and I have been continuing to serve in the Campos Blancos ministry on Sunday mornings, and we’ve started to help out in the church’s Sunday school which we do during the second service after we do Campos Blancos.

     During the week, although Shaquanah’s no longer watching the 2 ½ year old boy Rozel in the afternoons, she’s still continuing to help out in the school. There’s a young boy from the San Martin orphanage (La Casa) named Alexis who attends the school. He loves Shaquanah and she has completely fallen in love with him; and if adoptions weren’t next to impossible here in El Salvador, I’m sure she would have already adopted him by now.

     Jesse, Randy, Trevor, and I have been continuing the projects at the San Martin orphanage to prepare for the mission teams that will be coming to visit in a week or so. We’ve almost completed the concrete steps we’ve been making and have begun to prepare the foundation for the water tanks that will help increase the water pressure in the bungalows where the teams will be staying. Please keep Jesse in your prayers because he’s been sick with something for the past few days (possibly Strep Throat) and pray that the rest of us won’t get sick.

     That’s about it for now. Thanks for all your faithful prayers and God bless.

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