Wednesday 1/11/12
Acts 2:44 Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common.
The problem with socialism is why would someone rich want to join such a group? Why did rich believers join and share all that they had? The verse says that the believers had all things in common. I propose that the reason why they had all things in common is because they had one thing in common – a Savior. These believers realized that they had everything in Jesus. When Jesus gave us all that He had, how can we hold onto anything else? The Bible says you cannot serve two masters; you will hate one and love the other. These Christians loved Jesus with all their heart, they couldn’t hold onto anything else. Oh, how I wish I were like that. I need to love Him more. Yet there are times I hold on to things – be it money, material things, my pride, fear, selfishness, or my self-image.
I need to be asking God to give me such a love for Him that I would be too full to hold onto anything else, that I would be too engrossed in Him to care. Then how God would be able to change me so that all I am and have will be used for His glory and for the benefit of His body, the church.
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