Saturday, January 14, 2012

Too Busy for Snow

     WEEK REVIEW (1/7 - 1/14)

     So this has been the first full week of classes, and it has been very busy. For the most part, we have breakfast at 8AM, start class at 8:45, go until lunch at noon. Then at 1PM we go back to class and continue until 5 or 5:30. Then we eat dinner at 5:30 and either do homework and sometimes we'll have an activity at night (i.e. Bible study or a movie). So we definitely are kept busy.

     This week we learned how to study the Bible in an effective way. It's called Inductive Bible Study (IBS) and it's really cool. Basically, if you don't know, IBS is a systematic way of breaking down Bible passages into smaller parts, making observations about the passages, interpreting the meaning of the passages within the correct context, and then letting the Holy Spririt speak to you and show you how it applies to your life practically and personally.

    The weather has been warm for Montana. We had only a little snow this week, but it was enough to get the two interns from Southern California (Jesse and Josh) excited. It was funny watching their excitement as they took pictures of the snow and hearing about how excited Josh was to make a snow angel. This week, it is predicted that we are going to have a bunch of snow. Josh can't wait! Perhaps he'll make a whole legion of snow angels. Hahahaha.

     We are also down to 8 interns now because one of them had decided to return home. As a group, we were sad to see him go, but we know God can use him wherever he is. Things are continuing to go well and I am continuing to grow in my relationship with God. Thanks to everyone who's praying for me. Please keep it up.

God Bless.

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