Monday, January 23, 2012

Acts 2:46

Friday 1/13/12

Acts 2:46 So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart.

     Looking at this verse, I couldn’t see what God was trying to tell me through it. It’s not a short verse or anything, but it’s just filled with things that seem unnecessary – breaking bread, they ate – so what? Why include that in a verse? It seems like a minute detail that doesn’t hold much importance. Eating is something you do a few times a day, and although it can be quite enjoyable, why should it be included here? These Christians did the routine, barely-worth-mentioning things with gladness and simplicity of heart. Many times my life seems to get dull. Even here at Montana, even though I’m learning more about God and thankful at that, it’s starting to become a routine where I’m thinking to myself, “Different day, same process; ho hum. I can’t wait to be out in the field.” However, I believe God is showing me that no matter how often I do a task or how routine something is, if I keep my focus on Him, I can have gladness.

With God’s help, I want to find the routine things in my day today and ask God to give me gladness doing them as I remember that my joy comes from knowing Him, what He’s done for me, and what He’s promised to continue to do in my life.

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