Friday, January 6, 2012

Ephesians 4:1

Friday 1/6/12
Verse: Eph. 4:1 I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, (KJV)

     After looking up the words “that ye walk” I noticed that it means to progress and to pass one’s life. The words “of the vocation” are synonymous with a calling or an invitation. The words “ye are called” come from the word kaleo which implies calling by name or giving a name to. So here, Paul is begging the Ephesians to pass their life not as the world might spend their years here on Earth, but worthy. Why? Because they were called – they were invited by the God of the universe to have a purpose in life. Ephesus was a heathen city that was heavy into idol worship. The Christians in Ephesus must have seen non-believers worshiping statues and have noticed how empty it was. No doubt Satan must have tried to whisper in their ears “If that’s how empty worshipping an idol who can be seen is, why is worshipping your God who you can’t even see be any better?” But here Paul is telling them how they were called by name. God knew their name, He’s given them a calling in life, and as it says in the Old Testament it was even before they were born. God has a great call for everyone’s life, but some would rather worship idols that can’t do anything for them than worship the true God.
 I need to remember that the God I serve is real. Not only that, but He has called me out of the world, not to walk as the non-believer, but to abide in Him, and serve Him. As I think about that, it stirs up an excitement in my heart, knowing that He is such a good God. But so often the enemy tries to get my eyes off of the great invitation God has given me each day just to walk with Him and tries to get me to forget that God has a great plan for my life that is beyond my wildest imagination.

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